What is Team Spend Analytics?
Mallory Dakan avatar
Written by Mallory Dakan
Updated over a week ago

Team Spend Analytics is a powerful feature of Team Workspaces available to Fictiv Premium members. It provides visibility across the orders of all members of a Team Workspace, making it easy to see and understand spend and savings at the project level.

How do I access Team Spend Analytics?

In order to access Team Spend Analytics, it is important that your company's Business Account with Fictiv is enabled and that you are an active member of one or more Team Workspaces.

After navigating to any Team Workspace you’re a member of, click Analytics to access the Spend Analysis tab.

How do I use Team Spend Analytics?

Within the Spend Analysis tab of the Team Workspace, a graph will display all orders placed within the selected timeframe.

To change the order timeframe, simply select the date range next to the graph [Fig. 1]. The graph will automatically update to include the orders placed within that time frame.

As a Fictiv Premium member, Team Spend Analytics also illustrates the savings achieved with your account level Preferred Pricing. [Fig.2]

Hovering over any bar in the graph will display the summation of orders, providing increased granularity on the Team Workspace spend.

[Fig 1] Date range can be selected for increased visibility

[Fig 2] Savings through Fictiv Premium Preferred Pricing

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