Quotes can be created and purchased privately within the My Quotes or Orders pages. Such quotes and orders can be added to a team. Quotes and orders that have either been created in or added to a team are visible to all members of that team. Additionally, every team member has the ability to edit and purchase any member's quotes or place reorders.
Note: Quotes and orders created in a team or added to a team are still visible to the original Quote owner and purchaser in their My Quotes or Orders section outside of the team. |
To create a quote that is not visible in a team, go to "Quotes" on the left-hand menu bar [Fig. 1].
Fig. 1
Quotes that are created in "My Quotes” remain private unless those are added to a team or shared with a collaborator.
Note: If a team member is added as a collaborator on a quote that is in a team and they are then removed from that team, they can still see that quote since they are a collaborator on that specific quote. The removed team member can not see any other details about that team or its members, quotes or orders. |
To share a quote with a collaborator without adding them to a team, refer to this article.
To add private quotes or orders to a team, refer to this article.